Local Authority Searches

The official Local Authority search is made up of 2 parts:

Firstly the LLC1 (official requisition of search), which discloses the registered entries affecting the property. Entries appearing may be conditional planning consents, conservation area, tree preservation orders, Council grants that may need to be repaid, agreements and identification of the property as a building of special architectural or historical interest. All of these and many more entries place some kind of a restriction on the property or area that the property is situated within.

Secondly the CON29 (enquiries of the local authority), this form consists of a number of predetermined questions concerning the following areas:

  • Planning
  • Highways
  • Environmental Health
  • Housing
  • Building Control

The CON29 has a number of questions that are always asked and then a number of predetermined but optional questions for which an additional fee is charged.

In some cases it is also possible to ask an additional enquiry of your own, again an additional fee is charged. Some Solicitors already have additional questions that they ask, such as information concerning recent planning applications on adjoining properties.

You can also ask if particular roads or footpaths in the vicinity of your property are publicly maintained, for example a footpath to the rear or side of your property.

Charges for the official Local Authority Search vary according to each Local Authority. Should you wish to get an up to date price please e-mail us at enquiries@quantuslegal.co.uk and we’ll be happy to oblige.