A local authority search is mainly restricted to the named property/land and identifies any issues that might adversely affect it. This includes information about planning consents, building control, highways information and road adoption agreements. It also includes any notices and/or restrictions affecting the property if, for example, it is within a conservation area, smoke control area or if there are any tree preservation orders.
A local authority search does not identify issues beyond the boundary of the property. If you are interested in information about planning permission on adjacent or nearby properties or land, you should consider a wider planning report such as Groundsure Planning.
Same search, different names
A ‘Council Search‘ is compiled by the local authority.
A ‘Regulated Search‘ is compiled by a search provider.
Both types of local authority search are available through Quantus. Whilst they should contain the same information, there can be significant differences in layout, pricing and turnaround times.
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